Anti set-off powders

Anti set-off powder

Anti-set-off powders as a common consumable material are used to prevent the occurrence of set-off, smearing, blocking and glass plate effects on printed materials. As a quality powder, production is based on natural raw materials such as naturally pure calcium carbonate or natural starch. To meet the various requirements, various grain sizes and flow properties are available.

Our partners for the production of anti-set-off powders are KSL Staubtechnik and the Flint Group with their VARN® anti-set-off powders.

  • Varn VARN Anti Set-Off Powder Fine for paper with a grammage < 200 gr/m2
  • Varn VARN Anti Set-Off Powder Medium for paper with a grammage 200-400 gr/m2
  • Varn VARN Anti Set-Off Powder Coarse for paper with a grammage from 400 gr/m2
  • CC 20 Eliminated fines, consistent particle size, 20 micron
  • CC 30 Eliminated fines, consistent particle size, 30 micron

You can find us here:

Offset-Service Hubert Bollmann GmbH
Duderstädter Straße 7 | D-40595 Düsseldorf
T: +49 211 970 970 | F: +49 211 970 9797

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to advise you and are available via phone or e-mail.

How to reach us