Converting rubber/printing blankets

Converting rubber/printing blankets

Converting printing blankets is the core competence of Offset-Service Hubert Bollmann. We convert all types of printing blankets you may require: from the smallest printing blankets for special applications in can or cup printing, compound blankets for bucket printing, conventional printing blankets for offset printing to rubber blankets for 80-page heatset printing machines.

Our team has acquired exceptional knowledge to guarantee precision and consistent quality in our production. Through trust-based collaboration with our upstream suppliers and continuous further training of our team, we ensure high-quality handling of the printing blankets we convert.

  • Quality assurance is integrated into each work step. Errors can thus be detected immediately after a work step, rather than in a final inspection.
  • Our in-house conversion process is documented by means of inkjet imprints on the back of the printing blanket. This enables seamless traceability right back to the printing blanket manufacturer's production batch.
  • Every step of the way, our production process is characterised by sustainability and the lowest possible environmental impact. Whether it's solvent-free adhesives or energy-saving measures – all relevant production parameters have been tested for these two criteria.

Since our printing blankets and printing accessories are tailor-made for each customer, we are in a position to integrate any special request into the production process. Tensioning rails, rail profiles, rail width, rail depth, adapter systems, width or length of the printing blanket, format of the clamping aid (template) – everything can be executed in line with your wishes.

Load tests are carried out at the end of our production processes. This allows us to guarantee compliance with the printing machine manufacturers' specified requirements.

Talk to our technical advisors. Through our special expertise and experience, we will find printing blanket conversion tailored to your needs. Contact us via +49 211 970 970 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You can find us here:

Offset-Service Hubert Bollmann GmbH
Duderstädter Straße 7 | D-40595 Düsseldorf
T: +49 211 970 970 | F: +49 211 970 9797

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to advise you and are available via phone or e-mail.

How to reach us

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